Developing a Vision for Education/Content Knowledge Required by Primary Teachers

Subject matter knowledge and the Ontario Curriculum
Planning for teaching and learning
Cross-curricular links
Long-range planning, program support and implementation
Communication learning - to parents, students, the school community

Guiding Questions:

What models of integration are likely to provide the strongest subject integrity?
How does sound program planning allow for effective modifications and adaptations?
Module Readings:
Egan, K. (1997). The arts as the basis of education. Childhood Education,

Booth, D. (1994). Developing a thematic unit. In Classroom voices: 
     Language-based learning in the Elementary school, (pp. 54-62). 
     Canada: Harcourt, Brace & Co.

Weinberger, N.M. (1998). The music in our minds. Educational
      Leadership, (Nov), 36-40.

Text: Chapter 5