Assessment and Education in Primary Education

Linking assessment and planning
Measuring student learning (process & product)
Program evaluation
Provincial testing
Improving student achievement
Implementing selected strategies, analyzing effectiveness of strategies, evaluating appropriateness of strategies

Guiding Questions:

How do teachers gather and maintain records of learning in the classroom?
How might portfolios enhance learning?
To what extent would you use portfolios in the classroom? In reporting? In conferences?
What questions would guide teacher self-reflection regarding best practice in assessment and evaluation?
How does provincial assessment have an impact on curriculum presentation? (report cards?)
Module Readings:
Sauer, R., Onslow, B., & Moore, N. (1999). Linking assessment and instruction in
      mathematics: Primary years. Rosseau, ON: CAPE/OAME/OMCA.

Salend, S. J. (1998). Using portfolios to assess student performance.
      Teaching  Exceptional Children, (Nov/Dec), 36-43.

Text: Chapters 12 & 13