Module 2 Assignments
Below is a list of this module's assignments:
Assignment #2 - Double Entry Journal 05% Reflection is a naturally occurring process through which individuals make sense of personal and professional activities.. Choose an article from Section 1 of the Readings. Click on Module 1 Assignment Page Double Entry Journal to see the framework for this assignment. This journal should be 1-2 pages in length and is due by Feb. 15, 2000. Assignment #3 - Understanding Leadership In Special Education -20% Choose one of the two options: Option 1 - Reflection, Synthesis and Integration Perhaps the most important things we can give
children are roots and wings. As you enhance you work within special education, what will
you give to children, now that you have gained the insights from this course through
readings, exercises and interaction with your peers? Option 2 - Reflection, Synthesis, and Integration This final assignment is a Synthesis paper. After completing all course requirements take time to review your journals, notes and research and your final products. Then synthesize your understanding in a final reflective and integration paper. Consider these questions as you write your paper. What have I learned about inclusion? Assignment #4 - Ongoing Contributions to Lessons - 15% This includes the 11 exercises contained within this module. All assignments for this Module are to be completed and sent by March 05, 2000. To ensure that you have not forgotten any of them they are listed below.
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