Welcome to DC 2203

We're going to use this site to help us with learning how to code in HTML and CSS. Here's a little bit about each section, to get orientated:


This is where I have written out the lessons and tutorials we'll be going through in class. Note: there is a print style sheet attached to this website, so you can print out any page you want, either on paper or as a PDF. There are additional materials that will help you with learning the key concepts of HTML & CSS. We'll use this section of the site pretty much every day.


These are the practice exercises that I've set up for you. Many you'll be able to complete in class time, but some you'll have to work on outside of class. This is in lieu of readings -- you have to practice coding to get better at it.


For extending your learning. I've got sample HTML/CSS pages you can use, links to video tutorials, online site-building tools, and readings to help with context.


This is the official schedule. Changes will appear here. Remember, you're expected to be in class and labs, unless it says "optional".


Details on the assignments, including marking criteria.


A copy of the paper outline for class.