Geography 9322, Environment and Sustainability 9595, History 9811

Winter Session January to April, 2010

Course Schedule and Readings

5 Jan     Introduction and Division of Labour

12 Jan     Globalisation

R Fred Cooper, ‘Globalisation’ in Colonialism in Question Berkeley: University of California Press, 2005 91-113 and notes at 270-274

R Geoff Eley, ‘Historicizing the Global, Politicizing Capital: Giving the Present a Name,’ History Workshop Journal 63 2007 154-161 170 ‘How is the present Globalised’- 172

R Doreen Massey, For Space London: Sage, 2005 76-99, 147-162

S Appadurai (2001), Stoler (2008), Sassen (2000), Burton (2007)

19 Jan     Local Knowledge

R Joseph E Stiglitz,, ‘Peer monitoring and Credit Markets’ in World Bank Economic Review 4,3 1990 351-366

R Steven Mackinnon, ,‘Integrating Local and Scientific Knowledge: An Example in Fisheries Science,’ Environmental Management 27, 4 (2001) 533-45

R Doreen Massey World City, Cambridge Polity Press, 2007 Part III

S Trudy Sable et al, ‘The Ashkui Project: Linking Western Science and Innu Environmental Knowledge in Creating a Sustainable Environment,’ in Paul Sillitoe, ed. Local Science vs. Global Science NY and Oxford: Berghahn Books, 109-128

26 Jan     Scale

R Neil Smith, ‘Scale Bending and the Fate of the National,’ in Eric Sheppard and Robert McMaster, Scale in Geographic Inquiry Oxford: Blackwell, 2004 192-212

R Erik Swyngedouw, ‘Scaled Geographies: Nature, Place and the Politics of Scale,’ in Scale in Human Geography Blackwell Publishing, Ltd. 129-53

R Sallie Marston el al, ‘Human Geography Without Scale,’ Transactions of the Institute of British Geographers 2005 416-32

2 Feb     Technologies

R Paul Rosen, ‘Production and Culture in the Global Cycle Industry,’ in Peter Lyth and Helmuth Trischler, Wiring Prometheus Oxford: Aarhum University Press, 2004 77-102

R J Parr, 'What makes washday less blue: gender, nation and technological choice’ Technology and Culture January 1997 153-86

R Paul Robbins, ‘Fixed categories in a portable landscape: the causes and consequences of land-cover categorization,’ Environment and planning A, 2001 33 1 161-79

9 Feb     Paper Workshop – presentation and discussion of paper proposals

16 Feb     Reading Week

23 Feb     Local Deficits: the truncation of manufacturing multipliers

R Christopher Kollmeyer, ‘Explaining De-In dustrialisation: How Affluence, Productivity Growth and Globalisation Diminish Manufacturing Employment,’American Journal of Sociology, 114, 6 May 2009 1644-74

R Gary P Pisano and Willy C Shih, ‘Restoring American Competitiveness,’ Harvard Business Review July-August 2009

S Stephen S Cohen and John Zysman, Manufacturing Matters: the Myth of the Post-Industrial Economy New York: Basic Books, 1987 passim, but esp chap 15 and 17

2 March     Governance

R Sheila Jasanoff and Marybeth Long Martello, Earthly Politics: Local and Global Governance Cambridge MA:MIT Press, 2004 1-51, 335-50

R Ellen Omohundro, ‘Lessons Learned about Community Structure and Environmental Decision-making: Where do we go from here,’ Living in a Contaminated World (Aldershot Hants: Ashgate, 2004) Chap 8, 126-140

9 March     Research Workshop

16 March    Research Workshop

23 March    Research Workshop

30 March    Research Workshop

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