Module 1 Introduction
Glossary of Terms (required use in the course)
Folk Remedies (required reading)

Module II Philosophy & Basis for CAM
Are you considering using CAM? (required reading)
Irwin-Morrow on Life Coaching (required reading)

Module III Traditional Medicine: Ancient Systems
Ayurvedic Medicine (required readings)
 - ***just do these two sections
A Brief Intro to the 3 Doshas
Ayurveda, Food and You
Comprehensive Meta Analysis re Acupuncture (for interest only)

Module IV:  Systems I – Naturopathy and Homeopathy
Naturopathy Therapies (required reading)
Naturopathy Research Article (required reading)
1997 Lancet Meta Analysis re Homeopathy Effectiveness (required reading)
Naturopathic Oath (required reading)

Module V: Systems II – Chiropractic, Osteopathy etc
Chiropractic Research Summary (required reading)

Module V cont'd:
Reflexology Research Summary (*required reading)
Easy Cancer Pain & Anxiety (*required reading)

Massage therapy research article (required reading)

Module VI Herbal/Pharmacological:
Herbal Remedies: Adverse Effects and Drug Interactions (required reading)
Herbal 'Health' Products: What Family Physicians Need to Know (required reading)
Herbal Minefield (required reading)
NHP 2005 Baseline Survey

Module VII: Systems II – Integrative Approaches
Understanding Chronic Fatigue Syndrome (*NOT required reading)

Canadian Cancer Statistics & Info (*NOT required)

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