24. Monsanto Commentary and Information

Date Source Title Summary Other Categories
06.2001 Nature Biotechnology The Monsanto decision: The edge or the wedge The recent Federal Court decision in Monsanto has far-reaching implications in patenting whole organisms, which the Patent Office has yet to grant. 2. Patent Law
05.26.2001 Globe and Mail Canola farmer given appeal money Saskatchewan farmer Schmeiser has reportedly received $50,000 from supporters to back an appeal of the recent decision which found him to be using Monsanto canola. 29. GMOs
05.23.2001 Globe and Mail Against the grain The Canadian Wheat board is lobbying the Canadian government to deny Monsanto approval to grow and sell its genetically modified wheat as the corporate giant prepares to test its product in the field. 29. GMOs
05.21.2001 Globe and Mail Buyers distrust modified wheat Monsanto is preparing to test Roundup ready, genetically modified wheat in fields across Canada, but domestic and international concerns may prove fatal to the crop's marketability.  Review of Canada's involvement in testing genetically modified crops. 29. GMOs
12.2000 Nature Biotech Monsanto IPOs again Superficial financial and business history of Monsanto in a paragraph.