digital imaging and web design

[class information][html][theory][photoshop] [dreamweaver]


Okay, today we're going to build a website, using templates


Seriously.  The basic design should look something like this, which you can copy to your site if you want (or you can use the one you created with the layers/tables exercise earlier). 

The content map is below the blueprint, which looks something like this:

Content Map:

Content chunk   Destination   folder/filename

Home page:

What is Lorem Ipsum?

Lorem Ipsum, or Lipsum for short, is simply dummy text of the printing and typesetting industry. Lipsum has been the industry's standard dummy text ever since the 1500s, when an unknown printer took a galley of type and scrambled it to make a type specimen book.

The designer's cv site:

You can learn about the designer's many awards and have a look at the full portfolio here, or simply peruse the bio.  Enjoy.


  0.0   /cvpage/index.htm
Contact me via email at.   0.1  



Sitemap will go here later   0.2  



Search page will go here later   0.3   /cvpage/search.htm

Awards main page:

You may find it difficult to believe, but the designer has, in fact, won a number of highly prestigious awards, including the Cleo, Pulitzer and Oscar.






Brief history of the Grammy Awards

The grammy award is Ut tation consequat iriure, eu et nulla molestie vulputate wisi facilisis ex te feugiat nulla, volutpat qui. Dolore, vel hendrerit at quis eros suscipit exerci eros et consequat facilisi commodo.






How I won my Oscar
by the designer

Back in the mid-90s, I worked on a little project with Bobby DeNiro and he introduced me to acilisis ex te feugiat nulla, volutpat qui. Dolore, vel hendrerit at quis eros suscipit exerci er.

Five years later I was accepting my feugiat nulla.






Info on Pulitzer

Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetuer adipiscing elit. Fusce id lectus. Phasellus nec pede id quam tempus eleifend. Suspendisse viverra scelerisque justo. Proin ac orci non risus vestibulum posuere. Vestibulum nec lorem. Suspendisse potenti. Nulla a neque quis ipsum molestie placerat.






Can you believe how many award shows they have now? They even have awards for commercials--The Cleo Awards--a whole show full of commercials. The designer taped it and then fast-forwarded through the whole thing.





Biography main page

Born in a mid-July snowstorm, the designer has always been a touch unconventional.

In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Nam sollicitudin enim et ipsum lacinia elementum. Morbi vitae enim nec sapien tempor feugiat. Sed eget nibh vel leo dignissim aliquam. Nulla sapien odio, cursus sit amet, varius non, varius at, risus. Ut odio. Suspendisse quis nisl non est bibendum viverra. Proin pharetra egestas velit. Sed ipsum. Aliquam commodo sapien at velit. Integer accumsan vulputate sem. Proin ipsum est, adipiscing in, molestie vel, placerat in, enim. Vestibulum ullamcorper mauris sed lacus.

...> continued next page








Ut tempor aliquam velit. Vivamus commodo, mauris molestie egestas venenatis, diam mauris suscipit nunc, pulvinar feugiat leo dui id nibh. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Fusce sit amet ipsum. Duis pharetra convallis tellus. Praesent et ante id lorem pellentesque facilisis. Pellentesque habitant morbi tristique senectus et netus et malesuada fames ac turpis egestas. Etiam vel pede ut libero luctus dictum.

And that's how the designer learned to fly.





CV main page

Education:  Yes, I have some.

Job History:

Comedic Consultant
Keeper of the Fruitcake
Type-O personality


See Awards section of site.





Portfolio main page

This section outlines my recent work.  You will find a complete list of all the cds the designer owns in music, plus the many movies that the artist has written in film.

In the journalism section of the site, there will be bald-faced lies and other pulitzer-winning material.

The designer's suspendisse potenti. Aenean semper, sem ac laoreet aliquet, elit elit mattis libero, non sollicitudin pede arcu eu nunc.






Fusce semper, ipsum ac suscipit tempor, augue dui convallis arcu, non iaculis erat nibh a erat. Suspendisse tellus turpis, vulputate ac, scelerisque et, suscipit sed, augue. Quisque a wisi. Vestibulum sodales, velit sit amet aliquam aliquam, arcu purus porta magna, id lobortis leo arcu id pede. Vestibulum quis erat molestie dui porta volutpat. Vivamus egestas lacus eget mi.






Sed elementum enim ut mi. Duis malesuada. Phasellus pretium risus vitae quam. In hendrerit, risus non tincidunt vehicula, enim turpis vestibulum felis, non rutrum tellus leo nec justo.






Phasellus leo orci, posuere non, placerat sed, pretium id, erat. In hac habitasse platea dictumst. Quisque vel purus ut elit consectetuer hendrerit.




Client list main page

The designer will be profiling recent clients in this section of the site, showing the work created.

For now there are two clients.





The Massively Corrupt Co.

Suspendisse tristique est eu nulla. Pellentesque ligula. Mauris accumsan lacus nec metus. Ut cursus molestie orci. Integer imperdiet lectus sit amet velit. Donec a nibh vitae magna pharetra condimentum. Nam ultrices posuere magna. In vestibulum leo sit amet augue.






Evil Inc.

Curabitur in orci. Mauris auctor sem nec ligula. Aliquam rhoncus lectus. Phasellus sit amet urna.








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page created by Mark A. Rayner, ©2003