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Week 2: Lecture c
Melody and Harmony

I. Introduction

A. Content

B. Analytical TOOLS!

II. Melody

A. Introduction

B. Melodic Genres

1. Introduction

2. Genres

a) Spoken Melody

b) Motorial Melody

c) Expressive Melody

d) Descriptive Melody

e) Musical Melody

3. How to use Melodic Genres

C. Melodic Patterns

1. General

2. Example: "Digging in the Dirt"

III. Harmony

A. Introduction

B. Modal harmony (p. 51-55)

1. modes

2. modal harmony

C. Patterns of Harmony

IV. Reading and Listening

A. Reading

1. Macan, Edward, Rocking the Classics, p. 30-56.

B. Listening

1. Continue the graph for "Roundabout"