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Week 3: Lecture a
Modal Harmony and Loudness

I. Introduction

A. Announcements

B. Content

II. Harmony

A. Introduction

B. Modal harmony

1. modes

2. modal harmony

3. See Macan’s interpretation of the use of modal harmony in progressive rock (p. 51-55)

C. Patterns of Harmony

III. Technological Musical Parameters

A. Introduction

1. Importance of Technology in Popular Music

2. Aspects of sound

a) Loudness

b) Space

c) Timbre

d) Time

B. Loudness

1. Introduction

2. Performance Intensity

3. Musical Balance

4. Performance Intensity vs. Musical Balance

5. Example: Gabriel’s "Blood of Eden"

IV. Reading and Listening

A. Reading

1. Macan, Edward, Rocking the Classics, p. 30-56.

B. Listening

1. Continue the graph for "Roundabout"