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Week 5: Lecture a
Working Class Subcultures in Britain

I. Introduction

II. United Kingdom

A. Geography

B. Class Divisions

1. Introduction

2. Upper Class (High class)

3. Working Class

4. Middle Class

C. Geographic Division of Classes in Britain

III. Working Class Youth Subcultures

A. Introduction: Advent of Adolescence

1. Before the War

2. After the War: Institutionalisation of Youth

a) Factors

(1) Educational Act (1944)

(2) Leisure Activities

(3) National Service (Army)

b) Consuming culture

(1) Economical independence

(2) Industry develops a new market

(3) Subculture division

B. Subcultures

1. Teddy Boys (Edwardians) (1950s)




2. Mods (mid 1950s to mid 1960s)

a) Art School Mods


b) Mainstream Mods


c) Scooter Boys

d) Hard Mods

3. Rockers (mid 1950s to mid 1960s)



C. Other Social Issues

1. Masculinity

2. Race