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Week 5: Lecture b
The Beat Generation

I. Introduction

II. Middle-Class Youth

A. Before the mid 1960s

1. Working-Class

2. Middle-Class

B. After the mid 1960s

1. Education and Money

2. Consequences

III. The Beat Generation (1950s)

A. General Idea of Counterculture

B. Genealogy of the Beat Generation

1. Dada and Surrealism (1920s-1940s)

a) Introduction

b) Dada

(1) Definition

(2) Examples

c) Surrealism

(1) Definition

(2) Aesthetic Principles

(3) Examples

2. Beat Generation (1950s)

a) Postwar Paris

b) USA

C. Beat Culture in Britain

1. Introduction

2. Gender

3. USA vs. Britain (political differences)

a) Others

b) Politics

4. Subculture vs. Counterculture

Working-Class Subcultures

Middle-Class Beatniks

Less educated

More educated

Territorial (local identification; group solidarities; value of their territory; etc.)

International (tend to think in terms of a larger community sharing similar values; utopian vision of a peaceful world; etc.)

Work-Leisure strong polarity

Try to incorporate leisure into work

Temporary (Week-end mods, but also temporary in their lives)

Long-term effect on middle-class lives

Reaction from "below" (oppressed; exploited) toward dominant culture

Reaction from within the dominant culture

5. Diversity