Philosophy 020E(040) – Assignment 4


Due:  Tuesday 4 April 2006, 10:30 a.m.


Select one pair from the following list:


1) Locke’s liberal democracy and Dewey’s social democracy;

2) power and equality in Hobbes and Marx;

3) the state of nature in Hobbes and Locke; 

4) Marx and Dewey on the “submerged mass” (i.e., the lower classes) of humankind. 


In an essay that combines approximately 2/3 exposition and 1/3 evaluation (give or take), compare and contrast the members of the pair that you’ve selected, and subject them to a close philosophical analysis.  Your evaluative section might argue in favour of one of the philosophers’ approaches and against the other’s, or it might challenge both positions, or seek to carve out a middle ground between the two positions.  (It might even do some other kind of evaluative thing, provided that this “other kind of evaluative thing” is focused and well-considered.)  The main thing is to demonstrate (1) your understanding of relevant portions of the relevant primary texts, (2) your ability to analyse philosophical argumentation, and (3) your ability to construct an argument.


All of the usual rules apply.  Submit as an rtf document to by 10:30 on the due date.  Failure to format your essay in accordance with a standard academic style will result in a 5% penalty.  The paper should be 4-6 double-spaced pages, in a standard 12 point font.  I will happily comment on any drafts emailed to me at least 48 hours before the paper is due.  After that, I will email you back with a politely-worded form letter declining to lend assistance.  You know the drill…

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