January Meeting:
“Strategies for resumes and Job-Hunting”
Gerry Goodine, Career Counsellor
Friday, January 16 2009. ChB 9 1:30 pm

February Meeting:
“Employment Skills: Mock Interview” 
Tuesday, February 10. Times to be scheduled individually.

Saturday April 4, 2009: Chemistry 4490E Research Presentation Day


Initiation Meetings: Attendance is REQUIRED.

Thursday September 4, 2:30 pm Rm ChB 115: Course Initiation Meeting  AND

Friday September 12, 2:00-4:00 pm Rm ChB 115:  Laboratory Safety. Attendance is REQUIRED.

This special presentation is required in order to be able to work in a research laboratory.

Additional Meetings, usually on a Friday afternoon in Room ChB 115 at 1:30 p.m.:

Dates and times will be communicated by email. Attendance is required.

September Meeting:
“Scientific Ethics”  Friday, September 26, 1:30 pm. ChB 9
 Dr. Natasha Patrito, Educational Developer, Teaching Support Centre

October Meeting:
“Professionalism in Science and Chemistry”
Friday, October 24 1:30 pm ChB 9
Dr. K. M. Baines, Chair, Department of Chemistry. 

November Meeting:
“How to give a Scientific Presentation”
Dr. Mark Workentin
, Date Friday November 21 1:30-2:30 ChB 9

Early December Meetings:
 “Mid-year research Summary Presentations”, Times and dates TBA

January Meeting:
“Strategies for resumes and Job-Hunting”
Tentative Date: Friday, January 16 2009. ChB 9 1:30 pm

February Meeting:
“Employment Skills: Mock Interview” 
Tuesday, February 10. Times to be scheduled individually.

Saturday April 4, 2009: Chemistry 4490E Research Presentation Day

In addition, information sessions on “how to apply for graduate school scholarships” and “information on how/when to apply for graduate school” will be provided.


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