
The minimum requirements for this course are 12 hours/week throughout the 13 weeks in each term working on your research project with your assigned supervisor AND attendance with participation at the Chem 4490E meetings

Assuming that the minimum requirements above are met then the final grade for the course will be determined by the following:

Mid-year (December) Evaluation by Supervisor:                                   5%
The supervisor will provide a grade based on the level of active participation and research activities. This will include an evaluation of achieving the 12 hour/week over the 12 weeks participation in the laboratory and the abilities to integrate the skills learned to the project. Feedback will be provided.

Mid-year (December) Research Project Progress Presentation:            5% 
Each student will present a short (5 minute max) presentation outlining the project and progress towards its goals to their peers and the course facilitators. Feedback will be provided.

Research Performance Grade                                                               25%
The faculty project supervisor(s) will assign a grade based on the student`s research performance throughout the year.

Thesis:  (2 x 20% from each of the two faculty examiners )                   40%
Each student will write a formal thesis (guidelines will be provided) of their research project. (Final day for laboratory work is March 2, 2009) This thesis will be read and graded by two faculty members (who are not supervisors of the project).  These grades will be submitted prior to the Presentation and Oral Examination.

Preliminary Guidelines for Thesis Preparation

Thesis Due date: Monday, March 30, 2009 no later than 1:00 p.m.

Research Project Presentation and Oral Examination:              25%
Each student will present a 15 minute formal oral presentation of their year`s work, and answer 20 minutes of questions from the two examiners.  All faculty in attendance will provide a grade based on the quality of the presentation and the overall comprehension displayed.

 Date: Saturday, April 4, 2009.  Please reserve from 8:00 a.m.- 3:00 p.m.  You must be present for the entire day. 

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