digital imaging and web design

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Basic HTML Tags

This page includes a basic list of basic HTML tags.  If you'd like to see a page showing what some of these tags look like, click here.

Structural tags:

Document Type <HTML></HTML>(beginning and end of file)
Title <TITLE></TITLE> (must be in header)
Header <HEAD></HEAD> (info, such as title, keywords, etc.)
Body <BODY></BODY> (bulk of the page)


Heading <H1></H1>
Heading <H2></H2>
Heading <H3></H3>
Heading there are 6 in total H1 to H6

Character Formats:

Fonts <font face="verdana, arial, helvetica" size="3" color="#330099></font> (sizes range from 1 to 7, faces vary too)
Citation <CITE></CITE> (usually italics)
Code <CODE></CODE> (for source code listings)
Keyboard Input <KBD></KBD>
Bold <B></B>
Italic <I></I>
Underline <U></U>
Subscript <SUB></SUB>
Superscript <SUP></SUP>
Typewriter <TT></TT> (displays in a monospaced font)

Paragraphs and Lines:

Paragraph <P></P> (closing tag often unnecessary)
Line Break <BR> (a single carriage return)
Horizontal Rule <HR>
Text Alignment:
Justify Text <P ALIGN=JUSTIFY></P>
Block Quote <BLOCKQUOTE></BLOCKQUOTE> (usually indented)

Links and Images:

Link to another document <A HREF="filename"></A>
Link to another location <A HREF="URL#***"></A> (if in another document)
Linked text <A HREF="URL#***">text to click</A>
Link to Email <A HREF="mailto:@"></A>
Display Image <IMG SRC="filename">
Linked image <A HREF="linkfilename"><IMG SRC="filename"></a>


Unordered List <UL><LI></UL> (<LI> before each list item)
Bullet Type <UL TYPE=DISC|CIRCLE|SQUARE> (for the whole list)
<LI TYPE=DISC|CIRCLE|SQUARE> (this & subsequent)
Ordered List <OL><LI></OL> (<LI> before each list item)

....>back to HTML Lesson I

HTML home







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page created by Mark A. Rayner, ©2002