class information for mit 220

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Website marking criteria

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Produce the site that you have designed and proposed. Keep in mind everything discussed in class, and any suggestions that have been made by either me or the class. Check to ensure the links are not broken and get your peers to Beta test the site. You web site should:
  • have a home page (or front page), plus a second and/or third level
  • the whole site has a minimum of 13 pages, a maximum of 25
  • text that is longer than two screens (about 900-1200 pixels) should have internal links, "back to top" options, or be on separate pages
  • total page load with graphics should be under 30 seconds at 28.8 k modem
  • there should be at least five graphic elements, there is no upper limit, as long as you stay under 30 seconds load time
  • your graphical elements should perform a communications purpose
  • you do not have to choose a graphical theme if it is not appropriate for your site, but I do expect to see a consistent style
  • navigation should be clean and easy to understand
  • content should be well-written and based on good quality research
  • navigation -- there should be two forms of navigation (one of which should be text-only)
  • you can download the full marking criteria as a pdf file
  • for more ideas, consult the 10 tips for web production

Submission: send me the url by email.

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page created by Mark A. Rayner, © 2003