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In theory: [strategy][comms planning][architecture][writing for the web]

digitally altered pic of Degas' "absinthe drinker"
Shortened Crusoe -- solutions

a) Jessica D., Graham M., Amanda R., Ashleigh R.
Good short lists.

b) Jaime N., Sarah C., Jessica B.
In a narrower column.  Good short lists and chunked paragraphs.

c) Ari S., Mike G., Emily C., Mike P., Dave M.
-paragraph summaries are excellent

d) Kamilla P.; Martina C., Alex C., Melanie B.
Good subheads and "chunked" fairly well.  A 400 px column would have helped immensely.

This first set a tough call.  I think we'll have to call it a tie between group b and d.  The 400 px column really makes b) way more easy to read, but group d) has better, more informative subheads.


a) Jeff P., Steve M. and Kate T.
-A fun rewrite of the original.  Not too easy to scan though.

b) Melissa C., Francisco R., Lauren B., Andrew S.
-Good subheads, but they peter out a bit and the lists in the middle section are not broken up by enough text chunks.   

c) Hailey, Adam, Karyn, Steve
-Also a fun rewrite, and some good breakdown in the lists.  A tad hard to read because of some contrast issues.

d) Jon C., Meaghan F., Michael Y., Jeanette
-Good organization structure and the "back to top" links were helpful.  The labels for the subheads could have been more descriptive.  Still, I think I have to give the afternoon class prize to this effort, as the text is quite a bit easier to read (and scan).

Mark's solution
(Done with minimal editing, so it's more about the formatting.)

The coveted bonus marks go to groups b & d from the morning class, and group d will claim the prize in the afternoon class. 

Have a look at all the solutions (some of the rewrites are a hoot) and try to remember some of the things that work well.  I hope the column width issue really stands out for you.  Also, look at the typeface used.  Arial or Verdana should seem slightly easier to read, even if it is lighter text on a darker background, as in group d's effort.

These were still hard decisions. Next group assigment I'll get you guys to vote!

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