digital imaging and web design

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digitally altered pic of Degas' "absinthe drinker"
Writing for the web

A few links to add more detail to your lecture notes:

Moby Dick for readers who scan
This one is fun -- it takes a sentence from Herman Melville's classic and turns it into bullet points. Along the way the author discusses some other tips. Ignore what the author says about the word "however".

Here is a list of research and articles mostly from Jakob Neilsen on Writing for the web.

An online version of Strunk Elements of Style. This is the only style manual you will ever really need.  The good people at Bartleby have also attempted to make the text a bit easier to scan online.

A set of short articles on writing for the web, which are also worth a quick look.

In-Class Formatting Exercise
  • Join a small group (3-4 people)
  • Use this piece of text.
  • As a group, format the page in html
  • Publish the new page (along with a link to the original text)
  • Link to it from your personal homepage
  • The best one wins three bonus points on Assignment 5!

Here are the results from Wednesday's class!

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page created by Mark A. Rayner, ©2003