Responsive Design

Fall 19 Class -- We didn't have time to tackle this one, so don't worry about doing it. M.

Make your own

Try to create your own respsonsive design with only TWO columns. (That will force you to figure out the percentages differently, and to mess with the CSS.) Feel free to use the float-based design we played with in the lesson as your starting point!

Like we did in the 2-column exercise, I'd like you to come up with a design concept and build a layout for the whole thing, including a persistent navigation menu. If you're having trouble idea up with a concept, I'd suggest finding a logo you like and then basing the site off the logo idea.


You may want to check out this Flickr group for fake logos. (Some are downloadable and some you'll have to screen cap.)


Include an image that you have to style so that it is responsive as well.

Other approaches

You may also want to look at the other approaches you can take to simple responsive design here.