We offer all the basic concepts you need in first year to progress in any of Western’s programs with a Physics requirement. We focus on material relevant in a modern life science context and keep to a minimum the material many students find boring in High School.
This course specifically focuses on the physics concepts that matter in the Life Sciences, ranging from Chemistry, Biology to the fundamental medical sciences, including Physiology and Biochemistry. There is lot’s of it, that’s why Physics is required in the most exciting programs at Western. Whether you are interested in the Bachelor of Medical Science, professional programs including Medicine or Dentistry, Honours Degrees in Chemistry, Biochemistry, Biology, Physiology, Medical Physics, to just name a few, this course is the key to your future.
We provide the start into your career with the recommended Physics course for all students interested in the Life Sciences. We don’t waste time with esoteric stuff like pulleys and inclined planes, and we don’t use a textbook that assumes that you want to become an engineer. But we do talk a lot about the role of Physics in the human body.
Professional school admission tests, such as the MCAT, have a physics component which students traditionally struggle with. Why? Because the traditional physics textbooks care little about the MCAT subject catalogue (try to find topics such as surface energy or osmosis in them!). Such books leave the lecturer no room to teach the important topics. In this course you will work with a textbook that leaves no physical or physicochemical subject in the MCAT subject catalogue untouched – guaranteed!
We keep the math to a minimum and focus instead on the concepts – promised. Why can we avoid the heavy math? Because it isn’t needed! It is the basic physics concepts that matter in biology, physiology, medicine, and, sure enough, in medical physics. We rather develop fundamental ideas with a human edge, and leave the heavy math to the courses that cater to those interested in engineering and Applied Math. Seriously, Physics presented in the language of the Life Sciences is lot’s of fun!