Chemistry 4490E is regarded as the signature course in our Specialization and Honours Specialization in Chemistry and the Honours Specialization in Biochemistry and Chemistry Modules.  The course provides the student with the opportunity to integrate the breadth of knowledge gained in pre-requisite courses and apply it towards a hands-on chemistry experience while doing an independent research project under the direction of a faculty member in the department.  In addition to learning advanced laboratory skills and techniques needed to do research in an active chemistry research group, the course culminates with the writing of a thesis summarizing the year`s work and then presenting and defending the project to a panel of faculty examiners and their peers.

Course Facilitators:                             

Professor  John F. Corrigan                                           ChB 16

Professor François Lagugné-Laberthet                           ChB 22

Professor  Mark S. Workentin (coordinator)                     ChB 223          

Please feel free to contact any of the course facilitators about any aspect of this course.

Course Outline

2008-2009  Research Project Descriptions and Assignements

Expectations of the course: The minimum requirements for this course are 12 hours/week throughout the 13 weeks in each term working on your research project with your assigned supervisor AND attendance with participation at the following Chem 4490E events (times to be determined):

Initiation Meetings: Attendance is REQUIRED.

Thursday September 4, 2:30 pm Rm ChB 115: Course Initiation Meeting  AND

Friday September 12, 2:00-4:00 pm Rm ChB 115:  Laboratory Safety. Attendance is REQUIRED.
This special presentation is required in order to be able to work in a research laboratory.

YOU NEED TO COMPLETE WHIMS training.  Go to: . Log on, take tutorial, write test.  Bring completed certificate to one of the course facilitators on or before the Sept 12 meeting.

Additional Meetings are planned.  This term they are:

January Meeting:
“Strategies for resumes and Job-Hunting”
Gerry Goodine, Career Counsellor
Friday, January 16 2009. ChB 9 1:30 pm

February Meeting:
“Employment Skills: Mock Interview” 
Tuesday, February 10. Times to be scheduled individually.

Saturday April 4, 2009: Chemistry 4490E Research Presentation Day


How you will be evaluated

[Projects]         [Evaluation]    [Important Dates] 
