Lexia 3


A nervous Miriam sat huddled, wrists clenched and teary-eyed, before the dimly lit fire as she was anxious to begin her journey to see the Fraulein. Her room was silent except for the incessant crackling of the fire which seemed to grow louder with Miriam's growing nervousness. She had much to say to the Fraulein but was still unsure how to say it. Miriam could feel her stomach twisting with anticipation as she rehearsed her meeting with the Fraulein over and over again inside her head. There was a part of her that knew she shouldn't dare confess her secrets to the Fraulein, but Miriam's rationality had given in to the passion which had so forcefully taken her over. She was in love with the Fraulein and didn't care what she had to do to get to her.

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