Readings & cheatsheets

Here are some additional texts to help you with some of the key concepts we're learning during the lessons.

Articles on this site

File structure and relative links

This article will help you understand the importance of properly naming and storing your folders and files. Because so much of HTML is about helping the browsers find resources such as links, images, style sheets, etc., a firm grasp of file structure is critical. Also, I'm going to test you on it!

Articles on other websites

Semantic HTML

This will recap some of the material we covered in our Semantic HTML lesson, at Interneting Is Hard.

CSS Positioning 101

We will mostly be using the static flow for our designs, but this A List Apart article is a great introduction if you want to start using more positioning in your layouts.

Introduction to Accessibility

The definitive W3C text on why accessibility is important and some introductory content to get you started.


Suggested books

If you're looking for longer texts, and for texts I refer to all the time in class, here's a short list:

Don't Make Me Think: Common Sense Approach to Web Usability, 3/e

By: Steve Krug, Roger Black
New Riders 
ISBN: 0321344758

Information Architecture for the World Wide Web, 3/e 

By Louis Rosenfeld, Peter Morville
O'Reilly & Associates
ISBN: 978-0-596-52734-1

HTML5: Up and Running

By: Mark Pilgrim
O'Reilly Media
ISBN: 978-0-596-80602-6

Cheat sheets

You may want to download these more complete cheatsheets from Smashing Magazine.

One on HTML5 [pdf] and there are two for CSS: CSS 2.1 & CSS 3 [both pdfs].