1. Website Critique (20 percent)
Research and write a short (500-word) informal critique of the website at What are the site's communications goals? Examine how the site is structured, how the navigation works, and how easy it is to use. Does it violate Krug's primary rule of usability and make you think? Is it easy to find the information you want? Is the appropriate level of technology applied? Is it aesthetically pleasing? Are there interactive elements? How well does it do with Krug's "trunk test"? In short, explain what is wrong with this website Please hand this critique in on paper.
Due: Jan. 28
2. Text as Image (10 percent)
You must create a graphical element that is both visual and textual (the word is analogous to its meaning). The text should be legible as the main element of the graphic, it should be posted on your web page and it should have a file size no larger than 16k each. You can view past examples of this on this website . The grade will be determined by:
mechanics: are the basic goals of the assignment met?
composition: how are the elements of the image put together?
clarity: is it a crisp, clean image, or are there problems with the optimization?
contrast: is it easy to read the text, is there good contrast?
creativity: how original is the image?
If the image is larger than 16k, the assignment cannot receiving a passing grade. It must be posted on your website.
Due: Feb. 21
3. Web Proposal (20 percent)
To complete this assignment, you will use the following process:
- write communications plan (comms plan)
- figure out what content your site will have, and arrange it in a reasonable architecture (blueprint)
- map your content onto an exact file structure (content map)
- create sketches of how you think the main sections of the site will be laid out (sketches).
At this point you can also decide on the design/navigational elements and consider the overall tone, colour, and layout. This is your best chance to get the site right -- it should be fully planned before you begin creating it. Hand in your communications plan (two pages, point form), the blueprint, the content map and page layout ideas -- also referred to in class as 'storyboards' or "sketches". A perfect mark on these four elements is 70 percent. To get a higher mark, include as much content as you have already written, and other elements that will flesh out your plan: color palettes, images you have created for the site, and anything else that explains what the site will look and feel like. Hand this in on paper; you can refer to a URL for images and specific color palettes if you have chosen them.
Due: Mar. 10
4. Web Production (35 percent)
Produce the site that you have proposed and designed. Keep in mind everything discussed in class and in our readings. Check to ensure the links are not broken and get your peers to Beta test the site. You can download a complete list of marking criteria for this final project to help guide you.
Due: April 11, 5 pm
A note on when
assignments are due:
- Assignments 1 & 3 are due the BEGINNING of class and should be handed in on paper. I'll check your website on the due date for Assignment 2 .
- A lateness penalty of 5% will be applied every day afterwards, including the weekends, unless you negotiate permission to hand in your assignment late with me. [please ask me if you can't meet the deadline -- I'm very reasonable]
- For Web Production, there will be the following lateness penalties:
- 5% if the site is not ready by 5 pm on the 11th
- 15% if it is not ready by 10 am on the 12th
- 25% if it is not ready by 5 pm on the 12th.
- Sites will not be accepted after the 13th.