Course Outline
The University of Western Ontario
Faculty of Information
and Media Studies
Media, Information and Technoculture
Course: MIT 220
Title: Introduction to Digital Imaging and Web Site Design
Term: Winter 2008
Mondays & Wednesdays: 1:30 - 3:20 pm (Section 001)
Mondays & Wednesdays: 11:30 am - 1:20 pm (Section 003)
Location: IMC, NCB (120)
Lecturer: Mark Rayner
Contact details:
Email: (I like email and usually answer within a day.)
Office hours by appointment, or in the lab.
This course concentrates on developing digital imaging skills for the WWW and introduces HTML. Secondly, it focuses on the design and production of information for web sites, which communicate through the integrated use of text, images and graphic elements. The cultural significance and theoretical implications of this medium will be explored. Photoshop & Dreamweaver will be the main tools we use.