Your final mark will be based on an evaluation of:
Participation in class activities, discussions and critiques.
2. Your work in the lab exercises and the quality of your assignments.
3. Your understanding of some of the relevant issues and theory introduced in the class, as demonstrated by your integration of them into your assignments and the test.
Marking Scheme:
There are no final exams or mid-terms in this course. Your mark is based entirely on participation, the FTP test, lab work and your assignments.
Participation: 5
Lab exercises: 5
File structure/
FTP Test: 5
Assignment 1: 20
Assignment 2: 10
Assignment 2: 20
Assignment 3: 35
Total: 100
This will be worth 5 percent of your grade. I will be including such things as your participation in class discussions, site critiques and how you help out during lab exercises. Note: For every class you miss without contacting me, I will subtract one mark from this segment. I will count you as absent if you miss more than 30 minutes of a class. You are not required to attend scheduled work periods, if you prefer to work at home.
Lab exercises:
This will be worth 5 percent of your grade.
Exercises will be marked on a pass/fail basis -- in other words, if you are at the lab, and you complete the exercise, you will get the points. An important part of completing the exercise is getting it posted to your website, and linking from your home page. If you do not let me know your home page URL, it will be impossible for me to check that you've finished your exercise. The exercises are worth one point each. Many labs are foundational exercises that are not graded. If you do not complete the exercise in the allotted lab time, you can complete the exercise on your own, and you will have until the next class to do so.
File Structure/FTP Test
This will be worth 5 percent of your grade. This is an in-lab test that will show you understand how file structure works and that you are capable of using the file transfer protocol software (Fetch in IMC lab and SSH in NCB-105) to publish your files and folders to the web server.
(Feb. 13)