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HTML - how to name your files

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Basic HTML

Colors & Links




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File naming conventions

Good file structure is actually something to do no matter how big your website is, but the bigger it gets, the more vital it becomes. Essentially there are some simple rules to follow to ensure that your files will work on any kind of server though really, it is UNIX servers, the kind that we are using, that are most temperamental. Here they are:

1. Short file names, no longer that eight characters.

If you have file names that are longer than eight characters, the server might not be able to see them. This is true at Western, though longer names sometimes work.

2. No blank spaces in the name.

Similarly, servers have to interpret what that blank space actually means. Most put [%20] where there is a blank space, but some put in other characters, and these will mess up your links. If you must have a space in the name, use the underscore [_] character, so names will look like: adobe_1.html

3. All lower case letters.

Again, this is getting to be less of a problem, but some servers do not recognize upper case characters. Some recognize both, but if you start adding upper case characters randomly, it makes it more difficult to remember. (It's also less work to type in lower case only.)

4. Names that make sense from looking at them, and that are descriptive.

Pick a name so that you will be able to recognize what the page is, just from reading the name. This will save you hours of time by not opening the wrong files. Also, make the names related. The exception to this is that the front page of each section (or the front page that belongs to that folder) should be called "index.htm" (see below).

5. Ensure that there is an index.htm file in the file folder.

This is because even if a viewer mis-types your URL, they will still see the front page for that section. Also, some servers do not recognize .htm or default.htm(l).

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