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Tips and Tutorials Links
kandinskiy's "composition VI" with photoshop eye

bottom design box

Don't forget your textbook! Lynda Weinman is one of the best Photoshop gurus around, and she has plenty of useful stuff such as:

Reducing colors in GIFS ........... p. 38
Aliasing type .................p. 46
JPEG compression .....................p. 55
Choosing colors .....................p. 78
Experimenting with colors.............p. 82
Check & fix dithering.....................p. 88
Imagemaps in ImageReady........p. 114
Seamless background tiles...........p. 132
Transparent GIFs...................p. 190
Animated GIFs.....................p. 380

EyeWire has a great selection of quick tips and tutorials for doing everything from transparent gifs to making spheres. Very cool site!

GrafX Design
This site includes some slightly outdated, but still useful, tutorials on using Photoshop to create Web graphics. Rembember that you have ImageReady at your command as well when you're reading these!

Finally, you can also get a list of other resources that are available from Adobe at their Photoshop training page. [new window]

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page created by Mark A. Rayner, ©2003