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In theory: [strategy][comms planning][architecture][writing for the web]

digitally altered pic of Degas' "absinthe drinker"
Strategy ... questions 11-20
[p. 1] [p.2]


11) What components of your web site are required based on your competitors?

12) What technology issues do you know need to be addressed?

13) What do I need to know about your audiences?

  • level of connectivity does your ideal consumer or target audience have
  • what platforms, computers, browsers do they like to use
  • are there other sources that you can consult to see what they are going to like/and use: psychographics or lifestyle question, demographics

14) How important are daily content updates to you?

-maintenance, building in content

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15) Who will be responsible for the day to day operations of the web site? What software will they be using? What level of expertise do they have?

-related questions. You need to know this so that you can build something your client can maintain and use. Other questions

-What server will be hosting your web site?

16) Who will be managing Internet promotions and publicity?

-not like field of dreams - you have to promote the site (another lecture)

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17) How will you measure success?

-What valuations will be tied to indicators - metrics, analytics?

18) Do you have a domain name currently?

19) Do you have graphic standards or web site policies in place?

-Other materials:

Are there print materials? An existing color scheme or metaphor you need to work with (levi site)? Is there a logo that you will have to incorporate into the site? Will this help with your design choices? (

-Special considerations:

If you're doing a site for a client or someone else, it pays to listen to them. Ask lots of questions. Leave your ego at the door: sometimes clients ask for dumb things, but they pay the piper.


Whether for yourself or a client, get a list to see what the common elements are.

20) Who needs to be involved in the project for input and approvals?

-ideally, you want to have one point of contact for your approvals

-that person should be someone with the authority to approve things

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