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Physics 029

Physics for the Biological Sciences

Prospective Students > Sample Quiz

Sample Quiz

Below are some screenshots of how online quizzes will be taken throughout the course. The following is an example taken from Quiz 4 in the Fall 2006 semester.

Click on image for full size version (opens in new window).

In the above example, the student would type in a numerical result in the Answer box, understanding that their answer is being put in units of N (Newtons) but without putting in "N" itself. The student should also be aware that the numerical result needs to be to three significant figures.

Click on image for full size version (opens in new window).

The above shows how the quiz window would look. There is a simple navigation to the right of the main question that indicates how long the student has left to write the quiz (if there is a time limit), and which questions have been unanswered or answered. This is how most of the online quizzes in this course will be set up.