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Parent Partnerships - Web Resources
Collaborative Partnerships With Agencies

Parent Partnerships - Web Resources

Resources to help parents and schools are plentiful. If we want to know why parents and schools should be working together, or if we want to know where there is some great information for parents to help their children, you are sure to find it in one of the following websites. I do not expect that you will read all of these but I wanted you to have access to them so that you will have a handy resource when the right occasion arises.

Parent Engagement as A School Reform Strategy -(ERIC Clearinghouse)

Perspectives / Let the dialogue Begin (engaging Parents in the Community in Schools)

Key Research Findings - Strong Families Strong Schools

Building Community Partnerships for Learning - Strong Families, Strong Schools

Building Parent/Educator Partnerships

Family-School-Community Partnerships

Parent and Family Involvement

How Can I Be Involved in My Child's Education (Parent Brochure)

Parent Brochures

Sites for Parents, Caregivers, Teachers and Others Who Care About Kids

Tips for Parents, Families and Teachers

Web Connections
Do you have any bright ideas for how parents can become full partners?

Post them on Caucus - Module 1 - Parent Partnerships

Collaborative Partnerships With Agencies

Students who are at risk often receive services and help from a variety of agencies. Most recently there have been direct efforts made to co-ordinate the services so that they are less fragmented and so that good communication occurs to improve services for the student.

These agencies are also very often in contact with school personnel such as principals, resource teachers and classroom teachers. Agency representatives also are becoming more involved in team meetings at the schools, adding a dimension to the discussion.

Do one of the following exercises:

Exercise #4a Reflection - Collaboratives and Partnerships

What benefits result from partnerships and collaboratives involving parents, businesses and community agencies? List up to 5 and then consider what barriers or pitfalls often occur that interfere with these productive partnerships? How can we overcome them?

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Exercise #4b - Contacting a Community Agency

There is a need for special educators to know what services are available in their community and to know effective ways to communicate with these service providers.

Contact an agency, which serves students in your class or your school. Have a discussion with the agency workers to discover the following: kinds of services offered, types of resources available, and information about how the partnership might be enhanced. In a paragraph or two produce a summary of the information you receive.

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Parenthood on the Wild Side : The Baby Animal Quiz

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