Module 1 Strand B3

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Module 1 Strand B3
Questions for Team Members

Questions for Team Members
I found this great list of questions that we could use as a checklist to see if
or whether our school teams are operating as high performance teams. It was developed by
Niel L. Malvettis who at the time was coordinator of Educational Research &
Development for Sacramento County Office of Education.
Questions For Team Members
Does the team have a
mission statement (statement of purpose)?
Are there team goals
(general statements of intended accomplishments)?
Are there team objectives
(specific outcomes for a given period of time)?
Is the scope of the team's
function (areas/issues it will work on) clear?
Who are the members?
Who holds which role (e.g.
leader, recorder, etc.)?
What are the expectations
for each role?
What is the team's decision-making authority (input,
recommendation, final decision)?
How is the team held
accountable for its work?
What criteria will be used
to assess the team's effectiveness?
What kind of support can
the team count on (resources, training etc.)?
When will the team meet?
How often will the team
Where will the team meet?
How will the team evaluate
its meetings?
Has the team established
ground rules (standards of behaviour) for its meetings?
How will the agenda be
What decision-making techniques will be used (majority vote,
consensus, problem-solving tools, etc)?
How will the team's work connect with other teams and the rest of
the school?
From where do the team's
issues/tasks come?
How does the team
communicate with the rest of the school community (administrators, teachers, support
staff, parents, community residents, etc.) when necessary?
Time for a coffee break........
Furby Fever Quiz
