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Collaborative Partnerships - "None of us is
as smart as all of us."
Seven Assumptions About Collaboration

Collaborative Partnerships
Students, who help each other and work together, learn more than when they
study alone.
Educators, who help each other and work together,
learn more than when they work alone.
More and more we are realizing the importance of
collaboration. We know that consultation collaboration, and teamwork are the key elements
in effective education environments for the 21st. Century.
"The ability to collaborate on both a small
and a large scale is becoming one of the core requisites of of a postmodern society."
- Michael Fullan |
We know that there is a need to build meaningful
and productive interactions with students, their families, other professionals,
inter-agency groups and the public.
In special education the need for such
relationships is emphasized.
We must create successful home-school partnerships
and mobilize parents, community members and social service agencies in true collaboration
on behalf of children and families.
Readings: Section 6 -
Establishing Collaborative Partnerships

Exercise #1 - Roles of Participants in
Choose one of the articles from the above section
of your readings. Once read, identify the roles of the different participants described
and summarize the kinds of tasks in which they are engaged. (Maximum - 1 page)
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Assumptions About Collaboration
Most innovation in the future will
demand that historically adversarial relationships... be replaced by cooperative
relations. Establishing new relationships requires listening,creating a climate of respect
and trust and coming to understand the mutual benefits that will ensue if partnerships
relationships are firmly established.
Thriving on Chaos : Tom Peters |
1. Collaboration is beneficial
Collaboration reduces isolation, overload and
loneliness. Control and ownership increase as schools are improved from within.
2. Collaboration is sharing power.
The patriarchal authoritarian leadership style is
the main block to progress. Power needs to be distributed to a community of leaders.
3. Collaboration has many forms.
The best collaborative partnerships are voluntary,
on-going and informal. They are almost invisible in the school.
4. Collaboration means finding time.
Collaboration actually saves time in the long run
as partners share the workload. We must create time to work and talk together.
5. Collaboration means getting along.
When people work together conflict is inevitable.
Negotiation, mediation, problem-solving and teamwork are essential leadership skills.
6. Collaboration requires a trusting climate.
Trust is shown through everyday actions and how
people are treated. It takes trust to open up and be honest.
7. Collaboration is a process not an event.
It will take time to build collaboration. Start
small and think big.

M1 Assignments