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Module 2 Strand D1

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Module 2 Strand D1
Inclusive Schools
Inclusion- What Does It Mean?

Inclusive Schools

"Making schools work for every child."

As educators we are concerned about creating equitable conditions in which every child can succeed at school.
Making schools work for every child means we acknowledge children's diverse strengths as well as identifying and eliminating inequities.
What is Inclusion?

12 Principles for Successful Inclusive Schools


High Standards
Sense of Community
Array of Services
Flexible Learning Environments to Meet Student Needs
Research-Based Strategies
Collaboration and Cooperation
Changing Roles and Responsibilities
New Forms of Accountability
Partnerships with Parents

"Don't think a small group cannot change the world. Indeed it is the only way it has ever been done." Margaret Mead


The Reading Inclusion: The Pros and Cons presents for us an overview of some of the terminology often used to describe inclusion. In one part there is reference to The Disabilities Education Act 1990, which is (of course) a piece of U.S. legislation. Despite that, the implications of this legislation on U.S. schools is important for us to note; it also brings insight to us regarding the ongoing reform in Ontario schools. These issues do indeed transcend across all countries.

Exercise #1 - Reflection -Value of an Inclusive School

Based on this reading and your experiences, describe the value you see in an inclusive school. What range of opportunities do you see as a possibility for your classroom or school setting? What are you ready to do to promote an inclusionary school?

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Inclusion - What does it mean?

Children enter the classroom with a wide array of strengths, a rich cultural heritage, differing perspectives and values and varying kinds of cognitive styles and ways of manifesting them.

Over the last 10 years many resources have come available regarding inclusion of exceptional students in our schools, with a clear recognition of the differences of children's learning.

I have listed a few web sites to get you started where you may find some useful information.

Inclusion is defined in numerous ways and therefore it is understood differently as well. Choose a couple of these links (or all if you have the time) and look for the various definitions presented.

Inclusion - School as A Caring Community

Special Education Inclusion

Inclusion of Students with Special Needs

Resource Links

SERI Inclusion Resources

Circle of Inclusion

Inclusion Resources

Special Education Inclusion Links

In your Readings, refer to Section 1 and read the first four journal article

Exercise #2 Web Search - Inclusion

Using information from one of the above sites or choose an article of your choice that you have found on the web and present a preferred definition that has been put forward to help clarify the meaning of 'inclusion'. Following that, share with me the one question you now have as a result of your reading and tell why that question is important to you. (This should be a 'one minute' paper - 45-60 words.)
Please include the web address of the source.

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Exercise #3 - Caucus Centre

Take some time now to reflect on the term 'inclusion'. How would you define it now?
On the Caucus Centre there is an item for Module 2 Strand E2 where I would like you to post your personalized definition of inclusion.
Now we have one more step to go in this process of searching for a definition of inclusion. Do you know what your board's understanding of this is? How could you find that out?

Exercise #4 - Board Search - Defining Inclusion

Find 5 people who are in different roles in your school board (teacher, resource teacher, psychologist or principal for example) and ask each person to define the terms.
Record their answers and report your findings. Please do not use the names of the individuals but rather the roles. Consider a creative way to organize and present this information.

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