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Module 2 Strand E4

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Module 2 Strand E4
Strategic Improvement Process - Creating The Future

Strategic Improvement Process - Creating The Future

Stephen A. Covey in Principle Centred Leadership indicates that a long-range strategic plan like a roadmap, may soon be out of date in a constantly changing world. Knowing where you want to go - what you want to accomplish - requires a compass which keeps pointing in the right direction but allows for alternative routes as forward progress occurs.

Giving a vision fills the need to look forward with a clear sense of direction and requires a compass to guide the way.

There are many heroes, visionaries and exemplary leaders. When we take some time to reflect on their successes and effectiveness we know that they too began with a 'dream', a 'vision' of what things could be like.

Check out this site. You may not have the time to read it all but I found myself in 'awe' as I read the names and saw the accomplishments. It only served to reinforce for me that having a vision, a dream of where you want to be - gives direction.


Great Thinkers and Visionaries

In Core 3 high achieving learning environments was addressed. This is very important to all students and is a critical factor for inclusive schools. How we deliver the program and what the program is makes a huge difference to students with learning differences.



Exercise # 11 Time to Vision an Inclusionary School

You have just received directions that you are in charge of developing an inclusionary school. Imagine, you can create the kind of school that you think would be appropriate for

all students. Using these questions as your framework for your answer, prepare a response.

What would your school be like?

Who would go to your school?

Who would teach at your school?

How would the students be organized?

Who would be making school based decisions?

What would I see when I enter your school?

What would I hear when I enter your school?

What would I feel when I enter your school?

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