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Tips on Assignment 2 A
kandinskiy's "composition VI" with photoshop eye

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Text as graphics.

Create a graphical element that is both visual and textual (the word/s is/are analogous to the meaning). The text should be legible as the main element of the graphic, with file sizes no larger than 16k each. If you're looking for text, pick any three words or short phrases from the text of this William Gibson interview .

Essentially, I'm looking for either words or phrases that mean what they look like, or give the words more meaning. For example, these image both acheive the former -- they are images that represent what they mean. They both do it in a visually interesting way too:

Or, you can always make the word completely one with the text, by leaving only the outline of the text ...>
rock star

Of course, you can always turn this on its head too. These images add more meaning to the words they represent:

work in hollywood

Remember, that I want these files to be 16k or under!


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page created by Mark A. Rayner, ©2003