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In html: [basic html ] [colors & links] [tables] [fetch]

>>html lessons>digital imaging and web design
munch's the scream - digitally altered

Basic HTML...continued [p.2]
[p.1] [p.2] [p.3]

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Some definitions before we go too far:

Tags: An HTML directive enclosed in <brackets> <tag>
Attribute: A modifier to an HTML tag, for example <tag attribute>
Container: An element that encloses other objects <strong> bold </strong>

Note that some tags come in pairs and must be "closed". The only "open" tag we have used is the paragraph <p> tag.

Now, what exactly, have you just done?

<html> tells your browser that it is an HTML document

<head> includes supplemental info, including the title.
This is the part of the document where you will eventually include such things as keywords, metatags, etc.

<body> contains what the page will show

<h1> heading. Bigger and bolder than regular text. Also inserts a line break.

<p> Paragraph. Also inserts a line break at the end.

<img src = "mitlogo.gif">

You guessed it! This is a tag and an attribute combination.

-img tells browser it's an image

-src tells browser where to find the image

</body> Closes the first body tag, and ends what will be shown on the browser.

</html> Closes the html tag.

.....>next page


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page created by Mark A. Rayner, ©2003